Preparing for an Emergency
Emergency Management
P.O. Box 1509
1509 Grays Hwy
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Phone: 843-726-7607
Fax: 843-726-7966
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00 PM
What can you do to prepare for an emergency?
Have a family emergency plan. A family emergency plan will let the members of your family know what to do in the event of an emergency.
The plan should contain:
- Emergency contact numbers for the members of your family, the police department, fire department, emergency medical services, utility providers, and poison control.
- A map showing the escape routes from your house, and the assembly points so you can find each other after you get out of the house.
- A list of contact numbers for family members and friends outside of the immediate area that can be called in case local telephone systems are tied up.
- The location of your family disaster kit, and the checklist that keeps the contents of the kit up to date.
Possible major disasters in South Carolina include
Hurricanes | Earthquakes |
Tornadoes | Hazardous Materials |
Floods | Terrorism |
Fires | Drought |
Thunderstorms | Nuclear Power Plants |
Wildfires | Severe Winter Weather |
Dam Failure | Extreme Heat |
The Information provided above is from the South Carolina Emergency Management website.
To learn more about the possible disasters and what you can do to guard against them, click on the link above.
Helpful Links
Important Contacts:
SC Emergency Management Division (SCEMD)
Public Information Phone System (PIPS) 1-866-246-0133 (activated as needed / Spanish interpreters available)
National Hurricane Center-----The Official Website of the State of SC
SC Department of Insurance 803-737-6160 or 803-768-3467
American Red Cross 1-866-438-4636 -----Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
DHEC Care Line 1-855-472-3432----- SC Salvation Army 704-522-4970
SC Department of Transportation 855- GO-SCDOT (855-464-2368---- SC Department of Public Safety (Emergency Traffic Network)

Contact Us
Jasper County
Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Mailing Address: PO Box 1149
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Phone: 843-726-7700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM