Legislation Delegation
Jasper County Legislative Delegation Office:
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 2433 / Ridgeland, SC 29936
Physical Address: Mary Gordon Ellis Executive Building
651 Grays Highway, Ridgeland SC 29936
Phone: (843) 726-6019 Fax: (843) 726-7781
Office Email:jcdelegation@jaspercountysc.gov
Ellen Drake-Howard, Jasper County Legislative Delegation, Administrative Assistant
Barbara Ling Terry, Jasper County Legislative Delegation, Administrative Assistant
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Jasper County Legislative Delegation Office:
The Jasper County Legislative Delegation Office serves as a local Liaison between the public, Governmental agencies and the 5 elected state legislators who represent Jasper County. The Delegation Officer also processes all Notary Public applications filed by Jasper County voting residents.
The 1975 Passage of Act No. 283, SC Acts and Joint Resolutions, mandated the creation of county-funded delegation offices to provide administrative support in each of the state’s 46 counties.
The delegation meets at the call of the Chair. Delegation meetings are open to the public and are conducted at various sites and times throughout Jasper County, providing greater access to the citizens to attend. Jasper County Legislative Delegation Meetings are now being videotaped by “Socialytes”. The public is provided a notice of all meetings on the Jasper County website, and through all other available media. Agendas are posted a minimum of 24 hours before meetings.
Delegation Members, Districts, Party Affiliation Committees Service:
Chairman, Sen. Margie Bright Matthews:SC Senate 45 Democratic:
(Allendale, Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper Counties)
Committees: Corrections and Penology, Fish, Game and Forestry, Judiciary, Medical Affairs, and Transportation
Contact Us
Jasper County
Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Mailing Address: PO Box 1149
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Phone: 843-726-7700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM