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Comprehensive Master Plan

Jasper’s Journey, Comprehensive Master Plan 

Adopted November 5, 2018

Jasper's Journey: A Comprehensive Master Plan for Jasper County 11-6-18 (large file).

Appendix (Community Survey Results)

 What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a long-range planning document that serves to provide a unified vision for the community and strategies to achieve this community vision.

The comprehensive plan includes:

  • An inventory of existing conditions
  • A statement of needs and goals, including a vision statement, establishes where the community wants to go as well as long- and short-range goals for achieving the vision.
  • Implementation strategies with time frames.

The comprehensive plan addresses nine elements of the community:

  1. Population
  2. Economic Development
  3. Natural Resources
  4. Cultural Resources
  5. Community Facilities
  6. Housing
  7. Land Use
  8. Transportation
  9. Priority Investments

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