Recording Requirements
These are the minimum requirements for recording documents in the Jasper County Register of Deeds Office ONLY. This is not to be utilized as legal advice. Please contact an attorney for further instructions.
- Grantor(s) name
- Grantee(s) name and address
- Legal description – sufficient enough to locate property (NO street addresses)
- Tax Map & Parcel number
- Derivation clause – previous deed filing information
- Original signature(s) of Grantor(s)
- Two different witnesses (Notary can also be 1 of the witnesses)
- Either an Acknowledgment or Probate – notary’s Affiant Statement is not sufficient
- Documentary Stamps - $3.70 per thousand plus filing fee (see filing fees)
- Affidavit of Consideration needed only in cases where the amount is not stated on document or when the deed is exempt from documentary stamps
- Mortgagor(s) name
- Mortgagee(s) name and address
- Legal description - sufficient enough to locate property (NO street addresses)
- Derivation clause – previous deed filing information
- Original signature(s) of Mortgagor(s)
- 2 different witnesses (1 witness can also be the notary)
- Either an Acknowledgment or Probate – notary’s Affiant Statement is not sufficient
- Appropriate filing fee (see filing fees)
- Must be approved by Zoning or Planning Department
- Surveyor’s name, address and signature
- Date
- Embossed seal of surveyor
- If surveyor represents a survey company must have Certificate of Authorization seal.
- Vicinity Map
- North Arrow
- Graphic Scale
- Acreage
- Owners name, prepared for, or at the request of…
- Appropriate filing fee (see filing fees)
- No plat over 81/2 X 14 can be attached to other documents as an Exhibit. Large plats must be filed independently.
- Tax Map Number
- Must have names of both parties
- If referencing a previously filed document, must provide recording information for referenced document.
- NO witnesses required
- Notary Affiant Statement
- Signature of pertinent parties
- 2 witnesses
- Acknowledgement or Probate
Assignment of Mortgage (or other document):
- Assignor’s name
- Assignee’s name
- 2 witnesses per signature
- Acknowledgment or Probate
- Bk & page of document being assigned
Bond for Title:
- Signature of pertinent parties
- 2 witnesses per signature
- Acknowledgment or Probate
- Ammonization schedule (requested by Assessor)
- Paragraph stating Default of payment
By Laws:
- Signature of pertinent party
- 2 witnesses
- Acknowledgement or Probate
Death Certificate:
- Only in case of JTROS, Life Estate or Trust
- Request cover sheet or copy of deed
- Signature of pertinent parties
- 2 witnesses per party (can be same 2 witnesses)
- Acknowledgment or Probate OR Documentation from Secretary of State
Power of Attorney
- Must have names of both parties.
- Two different witnesses needed
- Acknowledgment or Probate needed
- Military Powers of Attorney do not require witnesses or notary
- Must state in some similar wording “paid & satisfied”
- Date of satisfaction
- Names of both parties
- If satisfaction is on the original document, only 1 witness required
- Must have recording information of original Mortgage
- If the original document is not used, must provide a Lost-Form Affidavit
All other documents
- 2 witnesses
- Probate or Acknowledgement
- Property description or reference to previously recorded documents
UCC 1 (original filing):
- Debtor’s name and address
- Secured party name and address
- Collateral must be real estate (personal property is filed with Secretary of State)
- Box 13 must be checked indicating cross reference into real estate records
- Legal Description
- No signatures are required
UCC 3 (includes assignments, amendments, partial release & termination):
- Debtor’s name
- Secured party name
- Reference number of original filing
- If partial release, must identify property being released
- No signatures required
Mechanic’s Lien:
- Plaintiff’s name (grantor)
- Defendant’s name (grantee)
- Amount owed
- State of Account attached
- Signature of plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney
- No witnesses required
- Must be notarized
Project Commencement:
- Name and address of filer (grantor)
- Name and address of the owner or developer (grantee)
- General description of the property
- Location of project (preferably legal description or tax map number)
- Notary Signature
Beginning June 15, 2009, these guidelines are being utilized by the Jasper County Register of Deeds Office. Given that specific documents are generally uniform in context, these rules are to be used as standards. However, occasionally various documents contain a different format than usual. In these instances, the following rules are to be considered only as a guide to recording, indexing, verifying, and correcting records.

Contact Us
Jasper County
Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Mailing Address: PO Box 1149
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Phone: 843-726-7700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM