Real Property
SC Code 12-51-40
Default on payment of taxes; Levy of execution by distress and sale; notice of delinquent taxes; seizure of property; advertisement of sale.
- Taxes are considered delinquent March 17th.
- Delinquent tax notices are mailed April 1st.
- Certified notices are mailed on delinquent real estate and mobile homes once certified notices are mailed (usually September)
- Advertisement of delinquent real estate and mobile homes will be listed in a paper of general circulation within the county for three consecutive Wednesdays prior to the tax sale.
- Tax sale is a sale of distressed property for default on delinquent taxes held on the first Monday of November of each year. This sale is located at the Jasper County Clementa C. Pinckney Government Building located at 358 Third Avenue, Ridgeland SC 29936 (Date and time will be listed in advertisement).
- Redemption period is a period of time allowed by law (12 months from the date of sale) for the owner, mortgage company or grantee to pay the taxes and cost associated with the sale of the property to regain ownership.

Contact Us
Jasper County
Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Mailing Address: PO Box 1149
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Phone: 843-726-7700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM