Assessor's Online Forms & Links
Assessor's Online Forms
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Request for Adjusted Assessment for Properties under Appeal
Mailing Address Change Request Form
Homeowner Association Application
Commercial Real Property Tax Exemption
Application for Agricultural Property
Application for Legal Residence Refund
Filing Applications Early
Many people wait to appeal or file various applications until after tax bills go out (usually in late October). Many others file applications or appeals right before the end of the calendar year, right before the stated appeal deadline, or right before the last day to pay without penalty.
Because of the influx of applications near the end of the year, unavoidable backlogs develop beginning in early November and increase in size as the year progresses, continuing into the early part of the next year. Expertise is required in the approval or denial of various applications. While the Assessor’s office makes every effort to process applications in a timely fashion, filing applications as early in the year as possible helps ensure the issuance of a correct initial tax bill. Applications that are filed in the early spring or summer usually result in the initial tax bill going out correctly. Sending in incomplete applications, applications that do not provide the required proof, and failure to sign applications or appeals all delay processing.
Similarly, if a notice of the change is sent, appealing soon after notice is better than waiting until the last day. Notices are sent out in large batches. Therefore many people have the same deadlines.
It is not necessary to send applications or appeal letters “return receipt requested”, but it may provide peace of mind that the letter or application was received. If a letter or application is sent return receipt requested, hold onto the returned receipt until contacted by the Assessor’s office or until a response is received.

Contact Us
Jasper County
Physical Address: 358 Third Avenue
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Mailing Address: PO Box 1149
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Phone: 843-726-7700
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM