Jasper County is seeking proposals on behalf of Jasper County Fire-Rescue from qualified third-party vendors to provide EMS ambulance billing services. Jasper County Fire-Rescue has been handling these services in-house for over 20 years and is now looking to outsource this function to a specialized agency. We aim to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and revenue collection while ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations and standards.
Submission Guidelines:
Proposals must be submitted in writing no later than:
2:00 PM local time on January 16, 2025,
To the Jasper County Chief Procurement Officer, Kimberly Burgess
358 Third Avenue, Suite 304
P. O. Box 1149, Ridgeland, SC 29936.
Late submissions will not be considered.
Ambulance Billing RFP 12.10.24
Contact Information: For inquiries and submission of proposals, please contact:
• Chief Russell Wells, Director of Emergency Services: rwells@jaspercountysc.gov
• Kim Burgess, Chief Procurement Officer: kburgess@jaspercountysc.gov
Jasper County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the proposals received, and to accept or reject any items or combination of items of any proposal. This RFP does not commit Jasper County or Jasper County Fire-Rescue to award a contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request.