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County Council Agendas, E Packets and Minutes

12.18.2023 Agenda e-packet

12.04.2023 Agenda Full E-Packet file

11.20.2023 Council Meeting Cancellation Notice

02 3J1 BUDGET FY 23 - 24


04 ORDINANCE 2023-02 aviation 062023


06 MAY 30 2023 highlighted STANDARD REPLACEMENT LEASE 110823

11.06.2023 Agenda e-packet (Part 3)

11.06.2023 Agenda e-packet (Part 2)

11.06.2023 Agenda e-packet (Part 1)

10.16.2023 Agenda E-Packet

10.02.2023 Agenda E Packet

09.18.2023 Agenda e-packet

09.05.2023 Agenda E-Packet Part 1 (Agenda thru Item 15)

09.05.2023 Agenda E-Packet Part 2 (Item 16 - Parts A B and C)

09.05.2023 Agenda E-Packet Part 3 (Item 16 Part D)

09.05.2023 Agenda E-Packet Part 4 (Item 16 Part E)

09.05.2023 Agenda E-Packet Part 5 (Item 16 Part F)

09.05.2023 Agenda E-Packet Part 6 (Item 17 thru Item 19)

08.30.2023 Agenda e-packet.

08.21.23 Agenda e-Packet

07.17.2023 Agenda - Revised Final and Approved The only change made was start time Executive

07.17.2023 Agenda e-packet

06.20.2023 Agenda (AMENDED) - Official The only change made was start time

06.20.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 1 (Agenda thru Item 11)

06.20.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 2 (Item 12 thru Item 14)

06.12.2023 Agenda e-packet

06.05.2023 Agenda e-packet (Part 1) Agenda thru Item 10

06.05.2023 Agenda e-packet (Part 2) Agenda Item 11

06.05.2023 Agenda e-packet (Part 3) Agenda Item 13 thru Item 21

05.31.2023 Agenda e-packet for the Special Called Virtual Workshop (No documents)

05.24.2023 Agenda e-packet - Special Called in Person and Virtual Workshop

05.15.2023 Agenda e-packet - Part 1 (Agenda thru Workshop Presenters)

05.15.2023 Agenda e-packet - Part 2 (Item #9 thru Item#14).

05.15.2023 Agenda e-packet - Part 3 (Item #15 thru Item#22)

05.15.2023 Agenda e-packet - Part 4 (Item#23 Resolution #R-2023-06)

05.15.2023 Agenda e-packet - Part 5 (Item#23 Attachment to Resolution #R-2023-06)

05.15.2023 Agenda e-packet - Part 6 (Item#24 thru Item#26)

05.01.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 1- Agenda - Budget Presentations

05.01.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 2- Item 7- Item 13

05.01.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 3- Consent Agenda Items - Item 14 - Item 15

05.01.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 4- Consent Agenda Item 16

05.01.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 5- Item 17 - Item 19

04.21.2023 Agenda e-packet.

04.17.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 1 Agenda - Budget Presenter Lowcountry RTA Palmetto Breeze Transit

04.17.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 2 Budget Presenter USCB - Item 18 Council member Comments

04.05.2023 Agenda Council Retreat - Approved

04.03.2023 Agenda e-packet

03.20.2023 Agenda e-packet

03.06.2023 Amended Agenda for the Agenda E-Packet (Correcting a Tax Map ID # )

03.06.2023 Agenda e-packet Agenda thru Public Hearing and Action Item 9

03.06.2023Agenda e-packet Public Hearing and Action Item 10 (part 1 of 2)

03.06.2023 Agenda e-packet Public Hearing and Action Item 10 (part 2 of 2)

03.06.2023 Agenda e-packet Public Hearing and Action Item 11 thru Councilmember Comments

03.06.2023 Agenda e-packet - Additional Information – 2023 CDBG Presentation – Jasper County

02.06.2023 Agenda e-packet

01.17.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 1_ Agenda Resolution thru Item-A

01.17.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 2_ Ordinances Ord Item A thru Ord Item D

01.17.2023 Agenda e-packet Part 3 New Business Item A thru Administrators Report

01.03.2023 Agenda-e-packet

12.05.2022 Agenda Final and Approved

11.21.2022 Agenda

11.07.2022 Agenda Final and Approved

10.21.2022 Agenda Virtual Workshop Final and Approved

10.17.2022 Agenda Jasper County Council

10.12.2022 Agenda Workshop Final

10.05.2022 Agenda Workshop CANCELLATION

10.05.2022 Agenda Workshop Final

10.03.2022 Agenda

09.28.2022 Agenda Special Called Virtual Meeting at 7_30pm

09.06.2022 Agenda Official Approved

08.15.2022 Agenda

08.08.2022 Agenda Workshop and Special Called Meeting

07.27.2022 Agenda Special Called Virtual Meeting Approved

07.18.2022 Agenda

07.13.2022 Agenda Virtual Special Called Meeting.pdf

06.27.2022 County Council Meeting Agenda.pdf

06.21.2022 Agenda for Workshop.pdf

06.13.2022 Agenda for Virtual Budget Workshop 10AM_.pdf

06.06.2022 Agenda Only Copy to go with Budget Presentations.pdf

06.06.2022 AHJ Regional Library Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 Beaufort Jasper EOC Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 Coastal Empire Mental Health Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 Palmetto Breeze Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 Jasper County Council on Aging Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 TCL - Technical College of the Lowcountry Presentation.pdf

06.06.2022 University of South Carolina - Beaufort Presentation.pdf

05.27.2022 Agenda Virtual Workshop Official

05.23.2022 Agenda Council Retreat

05.20.2022 AGENDA Workshop - Official

05.16.2022 AGENDA - Official

05.02.2022 AGENDA - Official

04.27.2022 AGENDA - Official

04.13.2022 Agenda Workshop Final and Approved

04.04.2022 Agenda - REVISED Agenda - Final and Approved

04.04.2022 County Council Agenda Proclamation Resolutions and Ordinances

03.21.2022 Agenda Resolutions and Ordinances

03.14.2022 AGENDA - Workshop Agenda - Official

03.07.2022 Agenda Resolution and Ordinance

02.22.2022 Agenda Resolutions and Ordinances

02.07.2022 Agenda and Ordinances

01.31.2022 AGENDA - Official

01.18.2022 Agenda Resolutions and Ordinance

01.13.2022 Agenda for Council Workshop

01.03.2022 Agenda Resolution and Ordinances

12.05.2022 Agenda e-packet

Ord-Item D Ordinance #O-2022-32 to sell-RE to Gopher Hill Holdings Oct.26.2022-3rd reading

Ord-Item D Attachment Copy of Purchase and sale Contract for Gopher Hill Holdings Cypress Ridge Spec Bldg

11.21.2022 Agenda e-packet

11.07.2022 Agenda e-packet

10.21.2022 Agenda e-packet Virtual Workshop

10.17.2022 Agenda e-packet Jasper County Council

10.12.2022 Agenda Workshop Final

10.05.2022 Agenda Workshop Final

10.03.2022 Agenda e-packet

09.28.2022 Agenda e-packet Special Called Virtual Meeting

09.06.2022 Agenda e-packet Agenda thru Ordinance Item A

09.06.2022 Agenda e-packet Ordinance Item B

09.06.2022 Agenda-e-packet Ordinance Item C thru Administrator's Report

08.15.2022 Agenda e-packet Ordinance Item-H Part 2

08.15.2022 Agenda e-packet Ordinance Item H Part 1

08.15.2022 Agenda e-packet Ordinance item-A thru Ordinance Item G

08.15.2022 Agenda e-packet New Business thru Administrators Report

08.15.2022 Agenda e-packet Agenda thru Resolutions

08.08.2022 Agenda e-packet

07.27.2022-Agenda e-packet for the Special Called Virtual Meeting

07.18.2022-Agenda-e-packet-Part-5-New-Business-Item-A-Administrators Report.

07.18.2022-Agenda-e-packet -Part-4-Ordinance-Item-I-Section-3.

07.18.2022-Agenda-e-packet -Part-3-Ordinance-Item-I-Section-2.

07.18.2022-Agenda-e-packet -Part-2-Ordinance-Item-I -Section-1.

07.18.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 1 - Agenda thru Ordinance Item # H)

6.30.2022 Green space Ordinance Jasper Edits .pdf

/pdfs/county-council/e-packets/2021-2022 Bill 152_ County Green Space Sales Tax Act.mhtml

06.27.2022 Agenda e-packet Agenda thru Ordinance Item # I.pdf

06.27.2022 Agenda e-packet New Business Item # A thru Administrator's Report.pdf

06.21.2022 Agenda e-packet for Virtual Workshop.pdf

06.06.2022 Agenda Only Copy (for e-packet).pdf

06.06.2022 Ordinance Items A and B (for e-packet).pdf

06.06.2022 Ordinance Item C (for e-packet).pdf

06.06.2022 Ordinance Item D (for e-packet).pdf

06.06.2022 Ordinance Items E thru G (for e-packet).pdf

06.06.2022 Ordinance Item I thru Administrators Report (for e-packet).pdf

05.16.2022 Agenda e-packet - PART 1 

05.16.2022 Agenda e-packet (Agenda - Ordinance Item A) - PART 2

05.16.2022 Agenda e-packet (Agenda - Ordinance Item G) - PART 3

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Agenda - Resolution Item A)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (New Business Item A - Administrator's Report)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item E -PART 1)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item A - Ordinance Item D) Corrected

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item E -PART 2)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item E -PART 3)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item E -PART 4)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item E -PART 5)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item E -PART 6)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item F)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item G -PART 1)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item G -PART 2)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item G -PART 3)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item H - Ordinance Item I)

05.02.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item J - Ordinance Item L)

05.22.2022 Agenda e-packet (Ordinance Item G -PART 4)

04.27.2022 Agenda E-Packet -Special Called Meeting

04.13.2022 Agenda e-packet - Virtual Workshop 11AM

04.04.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 1_ Agenda - Resolutions) - Copy

04.04.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 2_ Ordinance Item XI- A and Ordinance Item XI-C) - Copy

04.04.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 3_ Ordinance Item XI- D thru Administrator's Report)

03.21.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 1 - Agenda thru Ordinance Item XI_A)

03.21.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 2 - Ordinance Item XI_ A - Planned Development Document part A - pages 1-78)

03.21.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 3- Ordinance Item XI_ A - Planned Development Document part B - pages 79-124)

03.21.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 4- Ordinance Item XI_ A - Planned Development Document part C - pages 125-158)

03.21.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 5 - Ordinance Item XI_ B)

03.21.2022 Agenda e-packet (Part 6 - Ordinance Item XI_ C - Admin Report))

03.14.2022 Agenda e-packet for County Council Workshop

03.07.2022 Agenda e-packet

02.22.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 1 Agenda Items - Agenda thru Ordinance XI-C)

02.22.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 2 - Agenda Item XI-D- Public Hearing for Ordinance Item D part A )

02.22.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 3 - Agenda Item XI-D - Public Hearing for Ordinance Item D part B )

02.22.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 4 Agenda Item XI-E - Public Hearing for Ordinance Item E)

02.22.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 5 Agenda Items Ordinance XI-F thru Administrators Report)

02.07.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 1_ Agenda thru Agenda Item XI - Ordinance Item C)

02.07.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 2_ Agenda Item XI - Ordinance Item D part A )

02.07.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 3_ Agenda Item XI - Ordinance Item D part B )

02.07.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 4_ Agenda Item XI - Ordinance Item E)

02.07.2022 Agenda e-packet (part 5_ Agenda Item XI - Ordinance Item F thru Administrator's Report)

01.31.2022 AGENDA - Official

01.18.2022 Agenda e-packet

01.13.2022 Agenda e-packet for Council Workshop

01.03.2022 Agenda e-packet

12.06.2021 Agenda e-packet (Part 1 of 4 - Agenda thru Resolution)

12.06.2021 Agenda e-packet (Part 2 of 4 - Ordinances)

12.06.2021 Agenda e-packet (Part 3 of 4 - New Business A thru New Business E)

12.06.2021 Agenda e-packet (Part 4 of 4 - New Business F thru Administrator's Report)

11.18.2021 Agenda e-packet

11.15.2021 Agenda e-packet

Project South Fee Agreement

Project South Jasper County Fee Ordinance

11.01.2021 Agenda e-packet Part 1 - Agenda thru Resolutions

11.01.2021 Agenda e-packet Part 2 - Ordinance Item A thru the remainder of packet

10.18.2021 Agenda e-packet

10.04.2021 Agenda e-packet

09.20.2021 Agenda e-packet

09.07.2021 Agenda e-packet for Council Meeting

08.30.2021 Agenda e-packet - Special Called Meeting

08.16.2021 Agenda e-packet

08.09.2021 Agenda e-packet

07.19.2021 Agenda e-packet part1 (Agenda - Ordinance E)

07.19.2021 Agenda e-packet part 2 (Ordinance F-Ordinance I)

07.19.2021 Agenda e-packet part 3 (New Business - Administrators Report))

Jasper County EOP (Emergency Operations Plan) 02.19.2020

Jasper County Hazard Mitigation Plan (part 1 - Table of Contents, List of Tables and List of Figures)

Jasper County Hazard Mitigation Plan (part 2 - pg 1 thru pg 100)

Jasper County Hazard Mitigation Plan (part 3 - pg 101 thru pg 200)

Jasper County Hazard Mitigation Plan (part 4 - pg 201 thru 300)

Jasper County Hazard Mitigation Plan (part 5 - pg 301 thru pg 335)

06.21.2021 Agenda e-packet Part 1 of 2

06.21.2021 Agenda e-packet Part 2 of 2

Detailed FY 2022 Budget for Public Hearing and Recommended Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Memo

06.07.2021 Agenda e-packet


05.27.2021 and 05.28.2021 Agenda e-packet

05.17.2021 Agenda e-packet

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